Given the importance of the Internet today, real estate portals have become a fundamental tool for real estate agencies, as it is an essential opportunity to reach more customers and users of the network. The numbers do not lie: according to Nielsen Online, more than 5 million people came ...

The reference real estate portals in Spain

Given the importance of the Internet today, real estate portals have become a fundamental tool for real estate agencies, as it is an essential opportunity to reach more customers and users of the network .

The numbers do not lie: according to Nielsen Online, more than 5 million people went to different real estate portals in the period of 1 year and that more than 250 million visits were generated in the last 5 years.

All this has led to a strong competition between real estate. It is increasingly necessary to resort to Internet positioning strategies to obtain better results, which has led agencies to increase their demand for the possibility of publishing their property portfolio efficiently and automatically and to promote collaboration with the main real estate portals with the aim of achieving greater diffusion.


There are a series of outstanding portals that have gained a strong presence in Internet and that enjoy great popularity, offering a huge catalog of real estate for sale or rent, facilitating the search to the user. In some cases, they are not only at the service of companies, but also of private customers. These are some of them: - - - http://www.

Yaencontré.com - - - -

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Currently, Twitter reaches a volume of users exceeding five hundred million. Twitter is a bidirectional communication platform with the nature of a social network that limits its messages to 280 characters, which means that short and direct messages (or announcements) must be built, a feature highly valued in advertising due to the impact of a communication of these ......

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