There is increasing competition among real estate sales announcements, thousands of them are distributed mainly through the internet and it is vital to know how to create ads that stand out from others, that are able to attract attention as much as possible. For this it is necessary, in addition to describing the property in a ...

5 tips to describe a property

More and more competition among real estate sales announcements, thousands of them are distributed, mainly, by internet and it is vital to know how to create ads that stand out from others, that are able to get the most attention possible .

For this it is necessary, in addition to describing the property in a correct way, to know how to transmit in the text that special stimulus that provokes the interest in the person who reads it and decides to visit the farm.

Here are some tips to help with the writing of these ads:

Tip # 1 Think of a good title.

The title must be short , direct , and strong. It is the first thing that will be read about the ad and it is also the text that stands out the most. You must take advantage of this feature and turn it into a small summary of the description that will appear below, including the most important words. Special interest should be placed on it since it will become the main claim along with the image that illustrates the announcement.

It is not convenient to use expressions such as "unique occasion", " special offer "and similar.

According to the bulletin board website, in its section Apartment rental, an ad titled:" Beautiful 1-bedroom apartment with sea view > "was seen more than five hundred times in a month.

Tip # 2 Attractive pictures.

Logically, photographs are essential to attract visitors and are visual elements makes them a unique tool, so it is essential to put special attention on them and take care of all elements of their content . For example, the property that appears in the photographs must be neat, clean, have good lighting, with proper decoration and it is essential to avoid making mistakes such as "strange elements" appear in the image (for example, that the photographer is reflected in the mirrors accidentally). Once these images are obtained, it is convenient to optimize them with some image editing program and make sure that the resolution is adequate. When we have all the photos ready, choose the most attractive one as the main image of the ad.

On the other hand, it's also good to know that more and more portals allow you to add videos to ads and this can be a great resource .

On photography, we recommend our articles:

-Guide for real estate photography.

-Bases of photographic composition: 6 Tips for getting better pictures.

Tip # 3 Text with hook.

The description of the property should try to impact the reader and arouse their interest. You have to talk directly with the person who is reading the ad (treating you) and not in general. The description must always be true to reality, offer the best written image of the property and consist of a correct grammar and consistent, without grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.

It is advisable that the descriptions are from outside in .For example, you can talk about lighting, space, some feature of the rooms ... That is, any advantage that procures the property and deserves to be highlighted.

It is suggested to use concepts such as: "turnkey "," Ready to move "," beautiful/beautiful "," attractive exterior "," cutting-edge technology "," charming "," spacious "," excellent neighborhood "and the like, as long as they are used truthfully.

Similarly, when writing the text, creativity and the original can play a very important role in making a difference.

Here are some examples of flashy home descriptions:


Example 1

"Imagine living at the end of the old city, close to everything but where neither the odors of the Boqueria nor the music from the stores of Portal de l'Àngel. Imagine being surrounded by streets and squares with names like Princesa, La Puntual, or Tantarantana. Imagine a white, bright, elegant floor. Imagine a terrace like a boat, with the bow heading towards the Ciutadella Park. "

Example 2

" In this house you can enjoy the peace of mind knowing that your children play safely, while you relax watching a movie in your particular summer cinema that you can ride on the covered terrace at the back of the house . The exterior is perfect for your time to live with yours, and not for you to spend your time maintaining the garden, since only a few strokes of green decorate the large plot. "

Source of example descriptions: Inmoblog.

Tip # 4 Do not repeat content in different portals.

Once we have obtained a convincing description it is important to be clear that the same content should not be repeated in different media , since this penalizes the search engines.

It will be enough to create some differences between the texts that will be published, a couple of different nuances so that the writing is not duplicated.

Tip # 5 Proper price and contact information.

The price should be clearly indicated do . Ads that include the price tend to be more efficient. Of course, it must be the real price for which we are willing to sell the property, which we transmit when we receive the visits. That this information does not create confusion.

In addition, we must provide a direct contact form , either a telephone or an email, and answer the calls or messages we receive as soon as possible. possible and fluently. We must be 100% available at the time indicated.

In conclusion, an advertisement for a property must be clear , attractive and original . It is worth spending the necessary time to achieve it, as this effort will be reflected in the results.

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