Content1 At the request of professionals in the sector, Andalusia modifies the rules governing management and real estate brokerage.2 Creation of public registry 3 The denomination of real estate agency or real estate agent4 Obligations of agents and agencies5 Sanctions6 Related news At the request of professionals of the sector, Andalusia modifies the norms that ...

The necessary regulation of the real estate sector in Andalusia

At the request of professionals in the sector, Andalusia modifies the rules governing management and real estate brokerage.

The Official Bulletin of the Junta de Andalucía has made public the Law 1/2018, of April 26, which establishes the right of pre-emption and retraction in housing evictions in the region. . This implies the modification of Law 1/2010, of March 8, Regulator of the Right to Housing in Andalusia, and of Law 13/2005, of November 11, on measures for protected housing and land. The new regulation law directly influences the management and real estate brokerage.

Creation of the public registry

The regulation of the real estate sector in Andalusia will result in the creation of a public registry of real estate agencies. It will be obligatory requirement to belong to said registry to practice the profession in Andalusia.These may be up to 6,000 euros in case the infractions are serious.

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1 AMAT VICTORIA CURAM (Victory favors those who prepare) Victoria loves Preparation is an old Roman saying whose attribution or origin is scarce. And it is repeated in thousands of sites without reference to its author. However, in the excellent heraldic page blasó (1) is attributed to Gaius Valerio Cátulo (2): Non ......