"Responsive Design" is a concept that has recently become very fashionable when referring to web pages. But, why is it so important for a website to have a Responsive Design? The answer is very simple: a website must be able to adapt to the different screen resolutions of the ...

The importance of having a responsive web page

The " Responsive Design " is a concept that has become very fashionable lately when referring to web pages. But, why is it so important for a website to have a Responsive Design? The answer is very simple: a website must be able to adapt to the different screen resolutions of the devices that are used more frequently.

As we can see around us or We do it ourselves, it is increasingly common for Internet users to consult web pages through their mobile phone or a tablet and, obviously, it is not the same to see the image through a widescreen, as a monitor offers us of a computer, which on a vertical screen like a mobile phone. That is why the need has arisen that the content of a web page can adapt to all types of screens and resolutions.

In this way, these are some of the advantages that we offers this type of design:

Better experience for the user . By automatically adjusting the content of the web to the device, users clearly see the images and texts without needing, for example, to use the zoom.

Better positioning . Because there is only one URL for the different versions, the content is not duplicated, so search engines do not penalize. In addition, the more devices a website reaches covering using this design, the greater the traffic it receives, reaching a greater number of users.

More effective. There is an increase in visibility if the query can be done almost any time and from any device without waiting to be in front of the computer to receive the information in the most appropriate way.

Therefore, Responsive Design is becoming a fundamental feature for a web page. If a company has a web page with this type of design, it demonstrates the modernization and professionalism of it and is able to provide the user with a comfortable and fluid experience in terms of content consultation. Also, if the user likes what he sees, more time will remain on the page. If, on the other hand, the web is "outdated", the interest of the person who consulted it may be reduced.

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