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Content1 At the request of professionals in the sector, Andalusia modifies the rules governing management and real estate brokerage.2 Creation of public registry 3 The denomination of real estate agency or real estate agent4 Obligations of agents and agencies5 Sanctions6 Related news At the request of professionals of the sector, Andalusia modifies the norms that ......

a) What is meant by qualification of real estate acquisition operations. In the dictionaries of common use we find that the Qualification is the action and the result of qualifying. And To qualify is to attribute to a fact or object a certain value within a scale of measurement. That is, the fact or event ......

The State Plan approved in March has undergone some modifications with respect to the draft submitted last year. The State Housing Plan 2018-2021 was approved last month by the Council of Ministers. Said Plan develops nine lines of action, focused mainly on housing rental assistance and increasing the park of ......

The first ray of light, appears in 2013, when the Supreme Court, in the March 8 Sentence (see it here), puts black on white the interpretive axes on which the main characterization of this concept of "mediation" is concerned, whatever it is called according to the practices and uses of each site, what ......