Real estate course of the collection of real estate. This course will be taught by Mr. MIGUEL VILLAROYA MARTÍN, technical architect, agent of real estate property, writer and trainer of real estate issues and author of the Certificate of Professionalism of Qualification Commercial Property Management, among others. The content of the course will be theoretical and practical and will be oriented to the process of recruitment ...

Course: The Collection of Real Estate

Real Estate Course of Real Estate Collection

This course will be taught by D . MIGUEL VILLAROYA MARTÍN , technical architect, agent of real estate property, writer and trainer of real estate issues and author of the Certificate of Professionalism of Qualification Commercial Property Management, among others.

El The content of the course will be theoretical and practical and will be oriented to the process of real estate acquisition:

1.- Sources of the collection.

2.- Preparation of the recruitment.

3.- Agreement and confirmation of the appointment.

4.- Execution of the gathering.

5.- The first questions.

6.- The method of the answer.

7.- The argument of the recruitment.


Previously, we talked about Home Staging as a technique for optimizing housing for its presentation. In this article, we will focus on bedroom decoration through some guidelines, but let's start with a key question that is the basis of all of them: what should a bedroom transmit? The answer is very specific: comfort, ......

The bank has rejected 60% of the claims it has received in terms of land clauses in the first quarter of this year, affecting almost half a million claimants (around 463,000 customers with more than 2,000 million). Although the bank has insisted that many of the claims do not ......

Banks continue to reduce their real estate portfolio thanks to foreign investors. Unicaja Banco has informed the CNMV (National Securities Market Commission) of the transfer of 75% of two holding companies of real estate assets to the Norwegian firm Axactor, which translates into a total of more than 4,000 properties. Of …...

In a previous news, we talked about the qualities that a real estate agent should have. We divided the qualities into three large groups: professionalism, values ​​and social skills. This time we will see three keys to be a good real estate agent, related to the price of housing and the agent himself: - 1. ESTABLISH GOOD RELATIONSHIP QUALITY/PRICE ......