Given the strong competition that exists in the real estate sector, an agent must be well prepared. These are, in our opinion, five fundamental keys that a real estate agent should have: 1 GIVE A GOOD PRINTING We all know the phrase "the first impression is what counts". Well, there is always a trend ...

5 Keys to choose a real estate agent

Given the strong competition that exists in the real estate sector, an agent must be well prepared. These are, in our opinion, five fundamental keys that a real estate agent should have:


We all know the phrase " the first impression is what counts ". Well, there is always a tendency to judge people by their appearance, but in this case we do not intend to think about this affirmation in a negative way: Recent studies assure that, when we meet a person, we tend to to create a first opinion and this comes from the instinct and is intrinsic to the human being from its existence as a measure of survival. A good impression is synonymous with trust .

But this is not limited to having a good presence, it is also necessary to give a good deal and show interest in the client (for example, be available by phone and/or email at the stipulated time, etc.).


Work The agent is not limited to just show homes, it is much more. A real estate agent must have a professional accreditation, experience and a work office open to the public for their attention.

Must possess sufficient knowledge and market studies to assess a property and be able to establish the more appropriate price.

In addition, you must ensure the real interests of the client . Your work methodology should be transparent and if you have a good letter of recommendation it is a great point in favor.


A real estate agent must inform from the outset about their fees clarifying what type of percentage will be charged to perform the requested management. And these are depending on the work to be done.


Negotiation capacity is one of the main characteristics that must be have a real estate agent, but also, this must be accompanied by the ability to make a marketing plan for each client.

A good agent applies marketing tools as the > home Staging or the social networks and know how to make the most of what they offer.


The real estate agent must carry out a series of promotional actions and commit to having the house exposed to as many people as possible (using portals, etc.) in order to get the maximum number of potential customers. An agent must become an important ally of the client.

For the fourth consecutive year positive values ​​were obtained in billing, creation of banners and employment July 31, 2018 - The real estate sector is in constant growth since the crisis began to disappear. The incomes go up, the stock is low, and every time there are more brands that decide to franchise their business, ......

Currently it is possible to consult the website of the Ministry of Finance of each Autonomous Community the value of a house for the purposes of payment of ITP (Transfer Tax Patrimonial) or ISD (Inheritance and Donations Tax). On the other hand, this tool is not considered valid by all Autonomies and may require a ......

Previously, we talked about Home Staging as a technique for optimizing housing for its presentation. In this article, we will focus on bedroom decoration through some guidelines, but let's start with a key question that is the basis of all of them: what should a bedroom transmit? The answer is very specific: comfort, ......

Currently, all companies depend on technology and both business and personal information may be exposed to cyber attacks. It is very complex to protect computers 100%, but there are some formulas to prevent them with a high percentage of success. Here are some tips: Content1 Protect computers.2 Make backups.3 Browsing ......