In the world of social networks we will find a series of advantages that will help us boost our agency. However, like everything else, there are also a number of disadvantages derived from its use. However, do not be discouraged, the advantages weigh much more than the disadvantages. Let's see which are the main ones: Advantages Good channels ...

Social networks for real estate: Advantages and disadvantages

In the world of social networks we will find a series of advantages that will help us boost our agency. However, like everything, there are also a number of disadvantages derived from its use.

However, do not be discouraged, the advantages weigh much more than the disadvantages. Let's see which are the main ones:


  • Good communication and business channels .
  • Low cost advertising. Report promotions, company news, products, etc.
  • Interact with the customer. Feed back of opinions, trends.
  • Customer loyalty . Strengthen the relationship with our customers.
  • Smooth connection between professionals physically far away, leading to projects and collaboration.
  • Allow forums and conferences online

As we can see, if social networks are well used, the advantages they bring will be very important.

Now let's look at the other side of the currency:


  • Requires time, follow-up, dialogue, and resources.
  • Risk of negative comments , entails follow-up and contingency plans.
  • Geographic dispersion of followers for local businesses.
  • Difficulty attracting new users Widely dispersed in networks
  • Impersonal deal with direct contact
  • Large number of networks and user dispersion.
  • Line close between the private sphere and the public sphere .
  • Need for continuous production of relevant information.
  • Risk of fraud and usurpation
  • Risk of fraud and usurpation
  • strong>.
  • Viral propagation of harmful messages for the brand.
  • False harassment or smear campaigns of trolls or competitors.

In many of the cases described is not something that happens because of the incorporation of social networks, but a consequence of the possible bad approach when raising our social media strategy . In fact almost all the statements indicated as disadvantages could be converted into opportunities for our company.

Likewise, negative cases that may arise from the networks can be resolved.

For example, if we can not devote enough time to social networks or do not know how to address them at the beginning, we can always call on the professional help of a Community Manager.

Real estate software InmoPC has a Community Manager service that allows the management of social networks for your real estate, generating content of interest and saving you time.


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