After what has happened in the crisis and the mistakes made by the real estate sector (evictions, empty flats, speculation, etc ...) society and the client demand, more than ever, transparency in this area because a great distrust has been created. Agencies and agents can do something about it to transmit security. ...

Real estate transparency and its keys

After experiencing the crisis and the mistakes made by the real estate sector (evictions, empty flats, speculation, etc ...) society and the client demand, more than ever, transparency in this area because it has created a great distrust.

Both agencies and agents can do something about it to convey security. Among these measures are, above all, always act with sincerity and show the agency . Let's see what they are:


Real estate transparency is nothing more than "telling the truth" in the process of deal. That is, offer information without hiding part of it or that is confusing. This way the information that is transmitted must be agglomerated (the information that is not understood raises suspicions), reliable (come from a trusted source), comparable (must have parameters that are compared to official criteria) and accessible (who sells and who buys may have direct contact.) No one can be a representative of one of the parties.

Clear and truthful information is the first pillar to create security and confidence.


Power Accessing information about the company is another very important value. Nowadays, a good resource to create closeness to the customer is to show the company's happiness through the internet. It is already essential to have a web page that defines the company well, that describes it and provides us with its location and contact information. If the portal is also supported by social networks of the company itself, updated, where the option of interacting with the client is given, this feeling of closeness will increase.

But also of these two keys, we will analyze others focused more deeply on why the mistrust occurred and the measures that are being taken to be restored:

Some experts have pronounced on this issue in a forceful way. For example, Carlos Ferrer-Bonsoms, director of residential banks and savings banks of the real estate consultant Jones Lang Lasalle, recognizes that, with regard to the licenses and soil requalification , " There were 'struggles' 'between town councils in the development of their soils, seeking to increase the population in an excessive way, a form little in agreement with the normal growth of the same, and sometimes against or to the detriment of nearby municipalities " in order to increase the construction projects given the rise in the price of housing.

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a) Soften the relationship between the parties. Perhaps it is one of the most important values ​​of our intervention, since if the sale is not completed, all the work will be lost. And sometimes that does not occur due to lack of tact or skill in the commercial relations of the real estate agent. Many times …...

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