It is already available in our section of Ebooks in free download our Guide of Real Estate Photography, realized with the collaboration of Inmopc and Your Real Estate Training. In it we emphasize the importance of improving the photographs of the buildings. There is a concept called "sensory marketing" that companies use in order to be original and ...

Real Estate Photography Guide

It is already available in our section of Ebooks in free download our Guide of Real Estate Photography, realized with the collaboration of Inmopc and Your Real Estate Training.

In it we emphasize the importance of improving the photographs of the buildings.

There is a concept called " sensory marketing " that companies use in order to be original and stand out from the competition. The main objective is that the customer acquires a good memory about a product through the study of different factors and how they influence our senses.

In this framework, the image charges a fundamental role, since the 90% of the information that our brain perceives is visual , hence the importance of making good property photographs.

That's why we must pursue two fundamental concepts: the efficient use of the power of the image in the advertising plane and the creation of quality photographs that stand out from the thousands of images that the competition shows us.

Let us also remember the existence of sayings of the type " A picture is worth a thousand words " or " It is eaten by the eyes ". In this manual we will see the keys to make photographs of correct and attractive properties so that they have a good effect on the visual perception of the target audience and are able to attract potential buyers with a good first impression.

Some good photographs will differentiate your agency and give you more professionalism.

You will also find numerous visual examples that illustrate the main concepts.

According to consultancy Knight Frank, Spain is currently the second European country where investors are more interested in investing in the real estate sector with almost 20% of the total. Germany is the country that comes first, with 28.5%, followed by Spain (19.9%), the United Kingdom (11.9%), the Netherlands (9.9%), France (9.3%). %), the …...

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Below we present the note of the Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court of January 24. At the end of it, you can consult and download sentences 44, 46, 47, 48 and 49/2019, of January 23. SUPREME COURT CIVIL ROOM TECHNICAL CABINET Sentences 44, 46, 47, 48 and 49/2019, of 23 of ......

They advise to recover deductions for landlords deleted in the 2015 Tax Reform, currently in force, and greater legal protection. The APEI alerts that the situation of the rental of habitual residence has worsened in the last 12 months and extends to all the capitals. July 2018.- The Professional Association of Real Estate Experts (APEI), ......