1 The real estate publication support: The newspaper InmoNews.es www.inmonews.es is the address of the real estate publication or newspaper that has been coming for years, publishing news about the real estate sector. In the indicated link you can see its contents, which cover interests such as acquisition of real estate, sales, technology, agency issues, training, etc. A few months ago …

Ventasgrandes.net and Inmonews, moving forward together: real estate publication Inmonews Magazine

1 The real estate publication support: The newspaper InmoNews.es

www.inmonews.es is the address of the real estate publication or newspaper that has been coming for years, publishing news about the real estate sector. In the indicated link you can see its contents, which cover interests such as real estate acquisition, sales, technology, agency issues, training, etc.

A few months ago it reached an agreement with our website ventasgrandes.net (1) to reproduce some of our contents in the newspaper, Inmonews. But the result of this collaboration soon came up with an idea to collaborate in the edition of a real estate magazine, which would give more content, extension and visibility to some of the topics covered in the newspaper.

2 magazine Inmonews magazine

And so a joint publication, named Inmonews magazine, emerged, periodically, the first six numbers will be bimonthly and from its consolidation, which we estimate in six numbers, it will have a higher annual frequency: 10 issues per year, with eight monthly editions and two almanacs: the summer one -julio/august- and the winter one -December/January.

Its layout has been made through the Adobe, Indesing program, and the base template is Graphicriver ; This has led to a modern and efficient design. There is still design and more design ahead, but the threshold reached is satisfactory.

Free Download of the Digital Magazine Inmonews Magazine.

3 The sections of that publication


In addition to the technical sections, Cover, back cover, index of contents, Letter of the Editor, editing panel, next publications and others necessary for the publication of the publication, the contents of the magazine can be classified in:

  1. A) Long articles, unusual in the type of real estate magazines that run in our sector. But it is that our magazine also wants to be a technical publication in which readers find not only news but also training. See for example the articles Exclusive No, says AECOSAN or Others charge me less.
  2. b) Standard articles, of lesser extent, but not less interest. See for example: The value of things , A sixteenth-century bestseller or VRC The revolution is here.
  3. c) Briefs, that try to grease the forcefulness of some of the texts, introducing variety. With these changes of rhythm in the reading of the magazine are looked for.
  4. d) Others, like news or critic of books.

But the best thing will be that it unloads the magazine here or here . And study it - of course, after reading it for the first time - and think about what you can use in your business.

You can read the magazine both on your computer and on your phone or tablet.

4 Dissemination of our real estate publication

The magazine is distributed among a large number of agencies with which www.inmonews regularly maintains an epistolary relationship. It has also been published in the newspaper itself and will soon be available in ventasgrandes.net

It can now also be read and downloaded from the publisher ISSUU ( 2)

5 Opinion of the same

What are we going to say about one of our daughters? Well, that's great.

But it's you who should judge her, so I encourage her to download and pause. This is not a magazine to read and then, after a while of storage on either side of your table, throw it away.We will show you multiple ways of improvement for your agency. So not only do we expect you to read us but to do something with the read: incorporate it into your business and reinforce it with it. (3)

6 Your subscription cost to the magazine

The magazine is free, so our reward is that it is read and implemented in the largest as many agencies as possible.

We are here to help you transform your business for the better.

We, the management of the magazine, and the magnificent team of collaborators (3), who also do it selflessly and to whom we give thanks from here, we will prepare contents that you can use in your business.

Until the next issue.

I say goodbye to the Roman: Follow with health!

Miguel Villarroya Martín , May 11, 2016/Madrid. Spain/Ref. Pub.001

7 Notes:

(1) great sales. net is now in a process of hyperspecialization and content alignment. We keep the magazine in the air, in the cloud, on the Web, at the same time that we are introducing in that web, a series of improvements.

(2) https://issuu.com/inmonewsmagazine/docs/revista_inmonews_marzo_2017

(3) Criticisms or suggestions will also be welcome and answered. We encourage you to do so.

(4) The team of collaborators is not closed. If you have something to share with other real estate agents it will be a pleasure to leave the site in this publication. You just have to write to the email you'll find in the magazine or this one. I leave you both:

info@ventasgrandes.net editorial @ inmonews.es

Write us, you will be welcome.

(5) The image used is the one on the cover of the magazine. N1º 1 March/April 2017

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