As with other sectors, the real estate sector has also had to adapt to the Internet era and what better way to turn to mobile applications to promote and display their products. Nowadays, a large part of the population uses the mobile phone to perform most searches, all ...

Top Mobile Apps to search floor

As with other sectors, the real estate sector has also had to adapt to the Internet era and what better way to turn to mobile applications to promote and display their products. Today, a large part of the population uses the mobile phone to carry out most searches, everyone has it at hand, and the use of applications is increasingly fashionable.

The real estate sector adapts to them and offers customers the possibility of looking for housing through real estate portals and some of them are those who are at the head of the sector.

The applications of the main real estate portals They offer fluidity and immediacy. The design of the applications is very intuitive and the content is very well organized and optimized to allow the user to search for homes quickly and efficiently.

The main applications belong to the portals:

These are the ones that are currently in the top positions of the most relevant portals in the sector.

In order to increase the supply of rent and stop the rise that is occurring in its price, the Ministry of Public Works will promote 20,000 homes for rental for the next 6 years. Minister Jose Luis Ábalo has announced a plan to promote this initiative. The houses will be used for rent ......

The so-called Cookies Policy has been established in the European Union and is mandatory. Practically in almost all web pages that we visit we can find the message of this policy, which can be accepted, rejected or blocked. But ... WHAT ARE COOCKIES? According to the official page on Cookies Policy (, ......

A blog is a fundamental tool to strengthen the website, since, unlike it, it is a communication channel. The website offers information, but it is static. A blog is dynamic because you can make periodic publications and maintain a communication with users, who can comment, participate, etc. Contents1 Why ......

According to the report "Evolution of credit to productive activities in Spain by activity sectors", published by AIS Group (specialist consultant in credit risk management), the portfolio of loans to companies engaged in real estate activities fell more than 10,800 million euros between 2016 and 2017. This fall in credit to this segment means ......