According to consultancy Knight Frank, Spain is currently the second European country where investors are more interested in investing in the real estate sector with almost 20% of the total. Germany is the country that comes first, with 28.5%, followed by Spain (19.9%), the United Kingdom (11.9%), the Netherlands (9.9%), France (9.3%). %), the …

Despite the crisis in Catalonia, Spain is the second country in Europe most attractive to investors

According to consultancy Knight Frank, currently Spain is the second European country where investors are more interested in investing in real estate with almost 20% of the total .

Germany is the country with the first place, with 28.5%, followed by Spain (19.9%), the United Kingdom (11.9%), the Netherlands (9.9%), France (9), 3%), the Nordic countries (7.9%) and Poland (3.3%).

Experts expect real estate investment to continue to rise in Europe and Spain this year, but believe that The political situation in Catalonia continues to be the main uncertainty of the real estate market in our country. However, this uncertainty may be benefiting the investment boom in other cities of the Spanish territory.

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