According to the market study conducted by Deloitte Real Estate, real estate investment has suffered a decline in Spain after several years of growth. The rise in prices and the absence of large operations are the main reasons why the volume destined for ... has been reduced by 22% compared to 2016 ...

The fall of non-residential real estate investment in Spain in 2017

The fall of non-residential real estate investment in Spain in 2017

According to the market study conducted by Deloitte Real Estate, real estate investment has suffered a decline in Spain after several years on the rise .

The rise of prices and the absence of large operations are the main reasons why the volume destined to offices, hotels and "retail" has been reduced by 22% compared to 2016; below 10 billion this year (in the absence of closing some operations scheduled for before December 31).

In 2017 you can see a weaker pace of investment in the second half, blurring the data positive results in the first, in which the purchases of offices and tertiary buildings grew significantly with respect to the previous year.

In the third quarter the This was reduced, from 6,587 million euros in 2016 to 1,564 million in 2017 and in the fourth quarter the fall is 42%.

In the previous years, large operations were closed in the last quarter, such as Torre Foster (sold for 490 million euros in 2061) or Torre Picasso (sold for 400 million euros in 2011), however, this year the most important operation was the sale of 50% of Torre Caleido for 150 million euros. euros in the first quarter.

Regarding commercial assets, the investment in centers collapses 29%, while purchases of premises amount 36%.

But the investment in logistics and hotels has increased (36% and 44% respectively) due to the attractive profitability they offer. Among the large hotel operations is the purchase of the Edificio España by the RIU group or HI Partners, owner of 14 establishments, which Banco Sabadell has transferred to Blackstone for 630.73 million euros.

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