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Inbound marketing The aspects involved

An approach to the inbound MK (INBMK) requires knowing the aspects involved in this activity, which, at least, will be these: a) Know the different types of marketing used in each of the areas mentioned above. (1) b) Understand what some have called the client's trip. c) Know the application and performance ......

Protect your business: 7 Tips to avoid a cyber attack

Currently, all companies depend on technology and both business and personal information may be exposed to cyber attacks. It is very complex to protect computers 100%, but there are some formulas to prevent them with a high percentage of success. Here are some tips: Content1 Protect computers.2 Make backups.3 Browsing ......

Real estate news, tourist or traditional rental

Tourist rent is more profitable, but only from 60% occupancy. In recent years, investment in housing has been increased to allocate it to tourist rentals. From the outset, this type of rent seems to report a high profitability. The agreed rental price is usually higher than the traditional rent. ......

Supreme Court judgments on the distribution of mortgage expenses.

Below we present the note of the Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court of January 24. At the end of it, you can consult and download sentences 44, 46, 47, 48 and 49/2019, of January 23. SUPREME COURT CIVIL ROOM TECHNICAL CABINET Sentences 44, 46, 47, 48 and 49/2019, of 23 of ......