The past June 19 was approved and published in the BOJA 123 of the 27th, Legislative Decree 1/2018 by which the Revised Text of the provisions dictated by the Autonomous Community of Andalusia in the matter of assigned taxes is approved. The purpose of this Law is to establish standards in matters of ...

Approved in Andalusia the Consolidated Text in the matter of ceded taxes

Approved in Andalusia the Consolidated Text in the matter of ceded taxes

On June 19 was approved and published in the BOJA 123 of the 27th, Legislative Decree 1/2018 approving the Revised Text of the provisions dictated by the Autonomous Community of Andalusia regarding ceded taxes .

The purpose of this Law is to establish rules on taxes transferred in exercise of the regulatory powers attributed to the Autonomous Community of Andalusia by Law 18/2010, of 16 July, the regime of assignment of taxes of the State to the Autonomous Community of Andalusia and setting the scope and conditions of such transfer, in the cases and conditions provided for in Law 22/2009, of December 18, which regulates the financing system of the Autonomous Communities of common regime and Cities with Statute of Autonomy and are modified adas tax regulations.

This law is of interest to professionals in the real estate sector when it comes to advising its clients, since it groups together all tax provisions updated in different tax matters.

You can consult the document in the legislation section of our portal or in this link .

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