In a previous news, we talked about the qualities that a real estate agent should have. We divided the qualities into three large groups: professionalism, values ​​and social skills. This time we will see three keys to be a good real estate agent, related to the price of housing and the agent himself: - 1. ESTABLISH GOOD RELATIONSHIP QUALITY/PRICE ...

Keys to being a good real estate agent

Keys to being a good real estate agent

In a previous news, we talked about the qualities that a real estate agent should have. We divided the qualities into three large groups: professionalism, values ​​and social skills. This time we will see three keys to be a good real estate agent, related to the price of housing and the agent himself:



According to Rafael Bello, head of the Canarian real estate agency Re/Max Arcoíris and one of the professionals of the country that managed to sell more homes in 2012, ensures that one of the keys is to have quality homes for sale and to set an attractive price for them. All this is possible by conducting a complete market study and a joint work between real estate agent and agent.



For a real estate agent, having a personality of their own means differentiating themselves from other professionals in the sector, being "unique". Being charismatic is a good quality, but it is not necessarily essential, because it is more important to express cordial treatment and be kind.

But even if it seems complicated at first, to get an identity of its own there is good advice that is a classic: Be yourself .



Fellowship and teamwork generate trust among other members of the sector. It is important to establish good professional relations.

Having organized work, an agenda, is also a fundamental key to carry out the work in a structured manner, in this way the agent makes sure to meet all the objectives marked. And for that, constancy is intrinsic. The agents of success persevere until achieving the objectives that are proposed with effort and tenacity.


All these keys also cause confidence on the part of the buyer. Customers perceive when an agent shows professionalism and this is very important when establishing a good communication between agent and buyer.

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