The regulation of the real estate sector was a pending issue for more than a decade and the Official College of Real Estate Agents has been working since then to make this a reality, for the benefit of Andalusian consumers. It has already been commented on multiple occasions that "The biggest investment that a ...

Finally came the essential regulation of the real estate sector for better consumer protection

The regulation of the real estate sector was a pending issue for more than a decade and the Official Association of Real Estate Agents has been working since then to make this a reality, in benefit of the Andalusian consumers.

It has already been commented on multiple occasions that "The biggest investment that a family makes throughout a lifetime is the acquisition of a house", and that the legislation must protect the consumer against the abuses that take place in this matter, being this one of the sectors in which more consumer complaints present.

Well, in the session of last April 11, 2018, the Andalusian Parliament, has approved , within the Law on the right of pre-emption and retraction in housing evictions in Andalusia, a series of measures to protect the consumer against the real estate market , at a crucial moment in the reactivation of this sector.

Approved measures impose minimal controls on the real estate transaction to avoid harm to those who access it, as a guarantee for consumers.

The approved measures will be complemented by a regulation that will be developed within a year, and which will contain at least the following measures:

  1. Professional training . This requirement must guarantee the professionalism of the service to users and consumers, in legal, technical, tax, commercial and a long etc.
  2. Establishment open to the public.

The rental contracts that were formalized during the crisis come out of hibernation in a very different market. Five years ago, Law 4/2013 came into force, approving the new measures to make the rental market more flexible. The law modified several precepts of the LAU, among them ......

In such a competitive sector, as it is the one that concerns us, it is essential to be aware of some techniques or ideas to apply to the real estate marketing itself. This will help us achieve our goals and be at the height of such competition. But first let's caution that you have to be careful not to confuse the ......

The platforms that carry out this activity must present the new "model 179", which obliges said companies to declare the information of the homes that have been assigned for contracting....

Tourist rent is more profitable, but only from 60% occupancy. In recent years, investment in housing has been increased to allocate it to tourist rentals. From the outset, this type of rent seems to report a high profitability. The agreed rental price is usually higher than the traditional rent. ......