The use of the mobile phone to record or take photographs has been irremediably extended in recent years and there are a number of tools that allow improving the quality of the images taken. Keep in mind that more and more agencies that use real estate videos to present their properties, but ...

5 APPS to improve real estate videos from your mobile

5 APPS to improve real estate videos from your mobile

The use of mobile phones to record or take photographs has been irremediably extended in recent years and there are a number of tools that allow improving the quality of the images taken.

It must be borne in mind that every time there are more agencies that use real estate videos to present their properties, but these are not always of good quality. Through these applications for mobile phones, many of them free, you can create recordings with very good results and edit the video in a simple and intuitive way.

There are even other resources that allow create a virtual tour through photographs.

In this article we show you some of these applications:

1 Vitrio : It allows to generate virtual tours.

This application is not used to create a video, but it is very interesting because it allows to generate Virtual Reality.

It is presented as the application par excellence for real estate agents and is a free App for simple-to-use Smartphones.

Clients can make virtual tours of properties.

5 APPS to improve real estate videos from your mobile

On the web m we can download the application to perform the virtual tour and publish the real estate ads.

2 Adobe Premiere Clip: Automatic or manual edition.

This application improves the appearance of the videos that we record on Android or iOS and allows you to share them on social networks. The editing of the image can be automatic or manual.

Editing videos is easy. By means of a system of dragging, releasing and trimming clips, it is possible to assemble without much difficulty.

5 APPS to improve real estate videos from your mobile

More information on the web: Adobe Premiere Clip

3 Filmic Pro: The application used by professionals.

It is one of the best Apps to record quality videos. Its manual controls allow you to adjust the color, tint, exposure or shutter speed among others. You can also choose between several resolutions or formats, being able to obtain videos with incredible quality.

5 APPS to improve real estate videos from your mobile

On its website is all the information along with a large number of examples and use tutorials:

4 Videona: Real-time editing.

This application allows the use of dozens of filters and effects at the same time we record. In this way, we see the result of the image on the fly.By editing the videos that we record from the mobile we can make them gain quality and professionalism and we have even seen that virtual travels are within reach.

It is worth spending a little time to study these tools, because the use of these new resources can make a difference.

Note: The images of the applications have been obtained from the web pages of the same.

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