Some owners wonder why they can not sell their home and, it is not an easy task. It is a procedure to which you have to spend a lot of time and you must have a minimum knowledge. An inexperienced or uninformed seller does not generate confidence in the buyers. In this …

8 mistakes that owners make in the process of selling a home

Real estate news, housing sale errors.

Some owners wonder why they can not sell their home and, it is not an easy task. It is a procedure to which you have to spend a lot of time and you must have a minimum knowledge. An inexperienced or uninformed seller does not generate confidence in buyers.

In this article, we analyze a series of common mistakes that owners make when selling a home:

1 To ignore the market and set a sale price that is too high.

It is very important to know the market to establish an appropriate price and Although the home that is going to be sold is a very valuable asset, we must be aware that the sale price must be reasonable and be in accordance with the socio-economic context present.

Setting a price too high is an error, even if it is done to then negotiate downwards, because if not studied enough, that established cost will be out of the market.

2 Do not know how to negotiate with the people involved.

Selling a v ivienda involves the negotiation with a series of people and the defense of one's interests before the requests of each of them. You will have to make contact with: the buyer, the buyer's agent, the buyer's lawyer, the sales certification company, the owner's bank (sometimes) and even the false buyers.

There will also be They teach the house on several occasions and attend to those interested cordially and adapt to their schedules.

It is essential to prepare to face all negotiations.

3 Not know how to detect potential buyers or solve their doubts.

Individuals do not tend to investigate potential buyers and are unaware of their economic capacity, housing needs, etc. Some people can enter to visit the house and do not even identify themselves.

In addition, each buyer is different and will raise their issues. The owner must know how to answer them and be aware of the stages of the sale process.

4 Not knowing legal issues or referring to contracts.

You can not put a house on sale without first getting informed about everything related to legal issues and contracts. Many buyers do not accept the agreement because the contract proposed by the owner does not give them any confidence .

There are many clauses that must be taken into account in a sales contract, in addition to mortgage issues, possible inheritances, capital gains and other taxes.

5 Not knowing how to prepare the home for sale and not think of it as a product.

In each sector, merchants try by all means to present their product in the most attractive way possible.Most of the images taken in this way have a questionable quality and a bad procedure can affect the sale.

When taking photographs, we must pay attention to aspects such as lighting, angle, framing ... A picture is worth a thousand words! And the use of social networks and portals involves having, at least, knowledge at the user level and minimal notions of writing and description focused on the sale.

8 Not knowing how to close the sale.

Many owners do not know that before closing the sale, it must be taken into account: that the technical supervision of the home has been satisfactory, that the contract must be approved by the buyer, which must be verified that the buyer has solvency and that the calculation of the cost of taxes and notary should be done.

Advantages of investing in professionals.

As you can see, for a private individual to be able to face a sales process, they need to dedicate time, effort and have a series of knowledge.

Having the support and advice of professionals can be very effective icaz, even if you have to invest in it.


-Real estate agents often have the necessary information about the homes they sell: analyze the area, compare prices, know the market, etc.

-The real estate agents and agents are qualified to attract buyers and offer the security they are looking for.

-The companies dedicated to Homestaging prepare the home in a professional manner for sale, presenting it as an attractive product, through its decoration and interior design services.

-The services of photography and video made by professionals will give excellent results, since images will be obtained of quality.

-The real estate agent knows marketing techniques and masters the specialized tools for dissemination, as well as social networks, the best way to publish in the portals, etc.

In short, a private individual can choose to sell his home, but finding the professionals You will have good advice that will then be positively reflected in the results.

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