The functions described in the previous postcards (1) about the role of the intermediary in real estate distribution are not the only ones. There are some other aspects of intermediation work that should be noted as part of the value of the intermediary relies on them. See the first: The existence of the intermediary makes more ...

The intermediary makes the exchange process more efficient

The intermediary makes the exchange process more efficient

The functions described in the previous postcards (1) about the role of the intermediary in the real estate distribution are not the only ones. There are some other aspects of intermediation work that should be noted as part of the value of the intermediary relies on them.

See the first: The existence of the intermediary makes m The exchange process is more effective.

This thesis points out that with Our intervention produces an obvious management savings for all the participants of this intermediation game. See the following figure:

The intermediary makes the exchange process more efficient

Without intermediaries, in the type of channel called direct, the five interested parties in the example will have to visit each and every one of the properties within their reach -4 in the example- . Therefore the number of visits to the good will be equal to 4 × 5.

On the other hand, in the indirect channels, when the agency speaks with its potential clients -5 in the example- it will not propose four visits with each one of them to his buildings -4 in the example-, and therefore he will not make 20 visits, but he will only realize those that are necessary. That is, only those that suit the demands of potential clients. He will not teach 1-bedroom homes to anyone who comes looking for one of four, for example. Maybe some property of the five remains unvisited because it does not obey the request of any of the five interested or what is the same as there is an interested with which we can not visit any of the available properties. Thus, the number of transactions is lower in indirect channels than in direct ones. The broker thus introduces efficiency in the purchase process.

And, in addition, introduces efficiency. Because, as can be seen in the lower part of the infographic, a single property can receive the visit of more than one interested party (up to five in the example) and also, that more than one property can receive the visit of only one of those .

Thus, in our sector, the filtering tasks of the agency's prospects allow us to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the relationship, reducing the result of possible contacts to only those with the highest correlation with the success of the operation we estimate. Saving in the process steps (visits) that would be useless if they were raised.

This is one of the most important values ​​that the agency contributes to the sales process.

I say goodbye. Follow with Health!

Miguel Villarroya Martín/February 3, 2016/Madrid. Spain/PrP.005/


(1) LAMBIN, J.J. and PEETERS, R. (1977) Strategic Marketing. This graphic has had a happy expression and in similar ways it is distributed in many marketing books, but the authors are these. We have only made it visually more attractive ... and we have applied it to the real estate sector.

(2) See the previous postcards of this series:

  • The criticism of the intermediary.
  • The general justification of the intermediary.
  • Functions of the broker in the Collection.
  • Functions of the broker in the Sale.

(3) The face that we used to create the image of this postcard belongs to the extraordinary German designer GERALD and was on PIXABAY.COM under the CC0 Public Domain label. The house is by the Dutch illustrator RdeVries and is hosted on OpenClipart under the CC0 Public Domain label. We thank all of them for their courtesy in allowing us to use them.

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