The State Plan approved in March has undergone some modifications with respect to the draft submitted last year. The State Housing Plan 2018-2021 was approved last month by the Council of Ministers. Said Plan develops nine lines of action, focused mainly on housing rental assistance and increasing the park of ...

What does not include (or has deleted) the new Housing Plan 2018-2021

Real Estate Publications, New Housing Plan 2018-2021

The State Plan approved in March has undergone some modifications with respect to the draft submitted last year.

The State Plan of Housing 2018-2021 was approved last month by the Council of Ministers. Said Plan develops nine lines of action, focused mainly on housing rental assistance and on increasing the number of properties allocated for that purpose. However, there have been some changes with respect to the initial draft that was presented last year:

One of the main ones is that aid for the purchase of children under 35 with low incomes already they will not be applied throughout the state territory as previously announced, but it is limited to municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants. In other words, aid to young people for the purchase of housing is maintained only in less populated municipalities (less than 9% of the territorial population) to support the maintenance of the population in rural areas.

Another of the changes that has caused the most controversy is that the aid of 200 euros per month has been eliminated for pensioners who own a home destined to face the payment of expenses derivatives . the same (maintenance, supplies, community ...). The approved text only includes the rent aid for people over 65 who cover up to half the price of incomes not exceeding 600 euros per month (30% between 600 - 900 euros).

On the other hand and following the line of the rent, the Plan has excluded from the aid those tenants who are related in first or second degree of consanguinity with the landlord and who have a property, except in cases of divorce or separation in which you can not have one.

Finally, the approved text is not sure that all households with incomes below 3 times the IPREM access the aid

strong>, since a more complicated economic requirement than advertised is established: single-person households can not exceed 1.5 times the IPREM in the case of a person living alone (0.5 more for each inhabitant of the dwelling).

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