The Junta de Andalucía and the Andalusian Consumer Council, with the participation of the Directorate General of Consumer Affairs, presented last January the ANDALUSIAN CODE OF REAL ESTATE QUALITY (CACI). This Andalusian Code arises from the need to protect the lawful interests and safety of consumers and users of real estate services ...

Andalusia approves a new Regulation Code for the real estate sector

Andalusia approves a new Regulation Code for the real estate sector

The Junta de Andalucía and the Andalusian Consumer Council, with the participation of the Directorate General of Consumer Affairs, presented last January the ANDALUSIAN QUALITY REAL ESTATE CODE (CACI). This Andalusian Code arises from the need to protect the lawful interests and safety of consumers and users of real estate services that are provided in our market.

What is the Andalusian Real Estate Code? ?

This is an initiative of self-regulation of the housing sector whose purpose is to establish a guide to unify criteria and improve the quality of professional services of real estate brokerage , protecting the legitimate economic and social interests of consumers and providing companies in the sector with a useful work tool.

This code aims to offer the maximum guarantees of legal protection to clients and professional solvency on the part of of real estate consultants (to avoid illegal mediators). Clients can recognize the agencies adhering to the code thanks to a quality seal granted by the Andalusian Consumer Council and will have a backing from the administration in case of claims or any public issue. The agencies will offer a quality service and can benefit from the seal certified by the Andalusian Council of Consumption if they meet the appropriate requirements.

News included in the Code.

The Code, of voluntary adhesion, has twenty articles that include action protocols , commercial advertising requirements, information to consumers, adhesion form or conflict resolution.

Among its innovations are that companies:

-They should inform about the fees for service rendered (including the corresponding VAT).

-They have five days as maximum time to attend the worksheets. complaints and claims.

-They must be attached to the electronic administrative notification system as well as the Consumer Arbitration System, which offers an additional guarantee to consumers.

-They have to have a liability insurance policy for a minimum of e 600,000 euros that guarantees damages that may be caused during the exercise of an activity and the surety insurance for the amounts paid on account for a minimum amount of 10,000 euros.

The promotion of the Code .

The Andalusian Real Estate Quality Code has been promoted by the Professional Association of Real Estate Experts, Habitale, the Professional College of Real Estate Agents of Seville and the business association Unexia Andalucía. In addition, it has received the support of the Junta de Andalucía and the majority of the Andalusian Council of Consumption.

The Secretary General of Public Health and Consumption, Josefa Ruiz states that "the Junta de Andalucía has wanted to be part of the initiative from the beginning, to understand that it is a project of great interest that will contribute to improving the quality of the professional services of real estate brokerage, and with it, to protect the interests of consumers and users in this field. "

On the other hand, the Andalusian Consumer Council recently set up the Sectorial Body for Real Estate Intermediation, which, as the Secretary General has pointed out, "is one more initiative that will help to reinforce the analysis and dialogue in this sector of activity, promoting collaboration between the different agents involved, as well as the development of proposals and initiatives for the defense of the rights of consumers and users .

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