As with other sectors, the real estate sector has also had to adapt to the Internet era and what better way to turn to mobile applications to promote and display their products. Nowadays, a large part of the population uses the mobile phone to perform most searches, all ...

Top Mobile Apps to search floor

Top Mobile Apps to search floor

As with other sectors, the real estate sector has also had to adapt to the Internet era and what better way to turn to mobile applications to promote and display their products. Today, a large part of the population uses the mobile phone to carry out most searches, everyone has it at hand, and the use of applications is increasingly fashionable.

The real estate sector adapts to them and offers customers the possibility of looking for housing through real estate portals and some of them are those who are at the head of the sector.

The applications of the main real estate portals They offer fluidity and immediacy. The design of the applications is very intuitive and the content is very well organized and optimized to allow the user to search for homes quickly and efficiently.

The main applications belong to the portals:






These are the ones that are currently in the top positions of the most relevant portals in the sector.

A British website advises how to avoid cheating in the Spanish property market

As we have analyzed in previous articles, we know that the largest foreign investors in Spain are the English, although Bréxit is significantly affecting this trend. But in the last few months there has been a marked distrust on the part of the market of our country and this is what Mar Stucklin (British writer) expresses in his ......

The new regulation of holiday rentals in the Canary Islands is prepared

The Canary Islands Government presented last May a draft of the new decree to regulate holiday rentals in the archipelago. The idea is to prevent its development in residential land in tourist areas, although with exceptions. According to the Regional Tourism Adviser, Isaac Castellano, the Government's objective is to "update" the regulations, the ......

Septimio Acindino or the Justice of Rome

Being Septimio Acindino proconsul of Syria in the time of Trajan (53 to 117 AD), he commanded, to arrest a Christian in Antioch, because he had not paid the Roman administration a certain amount of gold with which he had been fined. As the debt could not be returned, Acindino, in application of ......

Aphorism 130 Baltasar Gracián: Making and making seem

Picture of Baltasar Gracián found in Graus (Huesca) Spain. Make and make seem: "Things do not happen for what they are, but for what they seem. To be worth and to know how to show is to be worth twice. What is not seen is as if it were not. The reason itself does not have its veneration where it has no face ......