As with other sectors, the real estate sector has also had to adapt to the Internet era and what better way to turn to mobile applications to promote and display their products. Nowadays, a large part of the population uses the mobile phone to perform most searches, all ...

Top Mobile Apps to search floor

Top Mobile Apps to search floor

As with other sectors, the real estate sector has also had to adapt to the Internet era and what better way to turn to mobile applications to promote and display their products. Today, a large part of the population uses the mobile phone to carry out most searches, everyone has it at hand, and the use of applications is increasingly fashionable.

The real estate sector adapts to them and offers customers the possibility of looking for housing through real estate portals and some of them are those who are at the head of the sector.

The applications of the main real estate portals They offer fluidity and immediacy. The design of the applications is very intuitive and the content is very well organized and optimized to allow the user to search for homes quickly and efficiently.

The main applications belong to the portals:






These are the ones that are currently in the top positions of the most relevant portals in the sector.

Reforms: Revaluation of a home

Real estate is losing value as time passes, which is a great inconvenience for the owner who wants to sell the house. However, there is the possibility of making reforms so that the property is revalued. And if, with these arrangements, insulation and energy efficiency are improved, the investment ......

Justification of the intermediary in the Collection

After the justification of the intermediary, of a general nature, presented in the previous postcard, we will present it in the two basic areas of the agency: the Collection and the sale. And in this, we must determine the profits of the intermediary in the collection of real estate. A tool or tool is justified by the excellent performance of ......

The intermediary makes the exchange process more efficient

The functions described in the previous postcards (1) about the role of the intermediary in real estate distribution are not the only ones. There are some other aspects of intermediation work that should be noted as part of the value of the intermediary relies on them. See the first: The existence of the intermediary makes more ......

Despite the crisis in Catalonia, Spain is the second country in Europe most attractive to investors

According to consultancy Knight Frank, Spain is currently the second European country where investors are more interested in investing in the real estate sector with almost 20% of the total. Germany is the country that comes first, with 28.5%, followed by Spain (19.9%), the United Kingdom (11.9%), the Netherlands (9.9%), France (9.3%). %), the …...