The so-called Cookies Policy has been established in the European Union and is mandatory. Practically in almost all web pages that we visit we can find the message of this policy, which can be accepted, rejected or blocked. But ... WHAT ARE COOCKIES? According to the official page on Cookies Policy (, ...

The much-mentioned Cookies Policy

The much-mentioned Cookies Policy

The so-called Cookies Policy has been established in the European Union and is mandatory. Almost all the web pages we visit can find the message of this policy, which can be accepted, rejected or blocked.

But ...


According to the official page on Cookies Policy (, a cookie is information sent by a website and stored in the user's browser, so that the website can consult the user's previous activity.

Its main functions are:

  • Bring user control (pc-browser-user) when entering your name and password.
  • Get information on the user's browsing data.



This law affects those who have a company or web that provides certain services. Especially if the web registers data about the people or clients that make use of it.

Mainly, inserting the notice is mandatory for pages that fall into one of these categories:

  • Corporate website of a freelancer or company.
  • An online store.
  • Web or blog if it includes advertising.



Cookies are supported by almost all modern browsers. From the official Cookies Policy page ( it is possible to download an appropriate code to insert it on the website.



Not using the Cookies Policy can lead to certain penalties economic that can be considered mild or serious.

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