Real-estate course on Occupational Risk Prevention. This course allows you to acquire the necessary basic level knowledge of Occupational Risk Prevention. The objective is to consolidate and improve knowledge about prevention applied to daily tasks in the workplace. The Royal Decree 39/1997, of January 17, which approves the ...

Online Course: Prevention of Occupational Risks in Offices

Online Course: Prevention of Occupational Risks in Offices

Real Estate Course of Occupational Risk Prevention

This course allows you to acquire the necessary basic knowledge of Occupational Risk Prevention. The objective is to consolidate and improve knowledge about prevention applied to daily tasks in the workplace. The Royal Decree 39/1997, of January 17, which approves the Regulation of Prevention Services, published in the BOE No. 27 of January 31, 1997, establishes that the functions that make up the basic level of the activity preventive.


Soften the buying and selling process: a Greater function of the intermediary

a) Soften the relationship between the parties. Perhaps it is one of the most important values ​​of our intervention, since if the sale is not completed, all the work will be lost. And sometimes that does not occur due to lack of tact or skill in the commercial relations of the real estate agent. Many times …...

Protect your business: 7 Tips to avoid a cyber attack

Currently, all companies depend on technology and both business and personal information may be exposed to cyber attacks. It is very complex to protect computers 100%, but there are some formulas to prevent them with a high percentage of success. Here are some tips: Content1 Protect computers.2 Make backups.3 Browsing ......

Qualification of real estate collection operations

a) What is meant by qualification of real estate acquisition operations. In the dictionaries of common use we find that the Qualification is the action and the result of qualifying. And To qualify is to attribute to a fact or object a certain value within a scale of measurement. That is, the fact or event ......

Social networks for real estate: Facebook

Facebook is the social network where most people and companies are. Its management will require an effort, since to keep it active, we must share useful, diverse and quality content. Facebook is the most widespread social network, with more than one billion users. We all know the "like" or the "share", ......