The first thing we should know is that in all phases of real estate brokerage, in our relationship with owners and buyers, it must always be professional and close; but avoiding familiarity, marking the limits, will shield us against misunderstanding and misinterpretations in the future. We will meet many times with the same phrases, the ...

Phrases of a real estate agent, correct and incorrect

Real Estate Publications, Real Estate Phrases

The first thing we should know is that in all phases of real estate brokerage, in our relationship with owners and buyers, it must always be professional and close; but avoiding familiarity, marking the limits, will shield us against misunderstanding and misinterpretations in the future.

We will often find the same phrases, to which we must give a firm and adequate response. There are many negotiation and closing courses, of objection techniques, that will help us to manage the times and achieve our objectives.

Here are some of the most common phrases, almost all focused on the most conflicting factor which is the choice of the price of the property.

The 10 best quotes from a real estate agent to an owner at the time of negotiating the price

Always We will base ourselves on the premise, that the real estate agent has tools that allow you to evaluate a price based on market trends.

  1. The valuation report, says what your home is worth base to your competition, not what you would like it to be worth.
  2. If we put a high price, few or no visits and help your neighbor to sell your property.
  3. The price of sale you decide, will allow you to sell your home or that of your neighbor Which one do you prefer?
  4. I could tell you what you want to hear; but I prefer to tell you what you need to know.
  5. It's not just a price battle, it's also a beauty contest and you need to win both.
  6. You decide the final price; but the market tells us another.
  7. With that price, my agency can not help you.
  8. Sorry, that's what I think is worth, more complicated.
  9. It is the best market price for this area.
  10. "I do not want to sell my apartment for a lower price than the one I bought it." Me neither; But it is the market that dictates the prices, it is not me and neither the house to which you move will have cost you the same. Who knows how the market will evolve in the future?

12 Phrases of the real estate agent to enhance their professional services in their relationship with the owner

Phrases that will help us respect our fees, our professionalism and honesty.

  1. I only charge fees when I manage to sell the property.
  2. You are not hiring me to lie to you.
  3. There are two types of agencies, the one that announces a floor for sale and the one that really wants to sell it.
  4. My experience, my services and tools are aimed at you selling your housing at the best possible price and in the shortest possible time.
  5. I work to give the best service to my clients, I can not tell you what you want to hear, but what the reality of the market tells me.
  6. If you are not in a hurry to sell, buyers are also in no hurry to buy.
  7. Are you not interested in the offer? And if we ask X €, would you be interested?
  8. The hardest thing before selling is to accept the reality of the market.
  9. If you have expired an exclusive, that means that your Price has been the highest bid for your home.
  10. I do not teach houses, I sell homes.
  11. There are two reasons why a property does not sell: the first, because the price it is out of market value and the second is that it is poorly promoted.
  12. What is more important to you?Many times their decisions are not rational and compulsive, we must answer in a friendly and professional way.

    - "I do not want to give the floor, for less than X € I put fire". Do not exaggerate, we will try to find the optimal price based on the market and your haste.

    - " I am in no hurry to sell the house. I want to receive at least X €, you ask what you want, the rest is for you ". We charge a fee% based on the sale price, I want the best possible market price, if I think you sell it cheap I'm telling you, if I think you sell it too expensive .

    - " I do not sign anything, with my word it's enough". I respect you; but we work with custom sheets, we will put all our means and knowledge in selling your property; but for that I need you to trust us.

    - " How much are your fees? The other agency charges me less. " Here are dozens of responses in objection manuals, which we developed in other articles. and Inmonews, moving forward together: real estate publication Inmonews Magazine

1 The real estate publication support: The newspaper is the address of the real estate publication or newspaper that has been coming for years, publishing news about the real estate sector. In the indicated link you can see its contents, which cover interests such as acquisition of real estate, sales, technology, agency issues, training, etc. A few months ago …...

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