How to use the secret client resource

How to use the resource: the secret client. In this postcard we will explain an artisanal way of doing it and then we will direct you to specialized companies that will do it with greater efficiency. These are the two paths that we talked about in the previous postcard.
5.1 Again at the beginning:
Have you detected ...?
- That their employees do not respond adequately to their clients.
- What do they do late?
- They are not interested in the problems of their potential clients.
- That they do not make appointments to visit real estate?
- That they unleash on their visitors attitudes of fear or distrust.
- That they do not act as you told them they should act.
- They make harmful proposals FOR YOU.
Or that:
- ... your prospects finally flee from your real estate!
He has to do something. And it is to know why that happens.
One of the possible causes is that its customer service procedure is bad or, being good, that it is misapplied by its salespeople. We will see here this second possibility: the secret client.
5.2 How can I do it, alone?
With the help of various techniques, such as:
1 Write an email to your company , with a fictitious name, requesting some type of information. Do they answer ?, How long do they take, if they do? The answer ... is it useful for a supposed client? Do you suggest the kindness for you of conducting a personal interview? If you do not come back to contact them, do you receive an email - reminder? If you keep quiet, do you receive a second?
2 Call your real estate agent - without identifying themselves and with an unrecognizable voice - do they pick up the phone? Do they do it quickly? Do you use any effective reception formula? "Smile" the voice you hear? What do you hear-in the background-in addition, through the microphone? Are they asked properly, after the greeting? Are you interested in your problem? Do you suggest a personal appointment? Are you asked for your information to communicate with you later? Do they call you back, if you do not call again?
3 Send a friend to do a personal interview and then ask him/her ... How did they receive you? What have you asked? What have you offered? Have you shown interest in your friend's problems? Have you tried to "place" anything at any price? Have you been asked questions about your critical wants and needs? Have you tried to arrange a visit to a property? What has been the general feeling that your friend has experienced?
4 Ask someone who has just left your real estate things such as: How have you been treated? Have you shown interest in your problem? Have they been correct? Identify yourself before those who leave as a possible client who wants to know things about the real estate before entering it. How much fame does he have? Why did they go to this real estate and not another? Would they come back? Do not forget to thank them.
5 Ask yourself in a nearby bar or trade -where they do not know you, or send a friend to ask these questions-. Do they know the real estate they have seen, theirs? Stay tuned for the answer Do you recommend it? What do they say about your business? Ask for your reputation, for your efficiency, for your seniority, etc., to the series of potential clients who have made contact with your agency. You will have valuable information on the perception that customers make of your business.
6 Read your advertising already published Does it motivate you to get in touch with your company? Ask yourself this for each media you use. Change what you do not like.Do the same Put yourself in the role of consumer. Do you like what you read? Look, before seeing yours, the websites of the competition. What? Well, the same sensation will have a typical consumer, will approach the one that gives you the most confidence or likes the most. Change if necessary.
And of course: act accordingly after taking the seven steps I have recommended.
5.3 How to use the resource: the secret client, through professional advice
You can improve your understanding of this matter, if: you entrust a job to a specialized company.
I I advise you, given that if experts do, the questions to be asked, the areas to be explored, the accuracy of the data obtained and the report they will present, will be much better.
If you hire the service "The secret client" (your salespeople will never know that they are not potential customers) the company will send to your agency several people in different situations and moments to "buy or rent" a home. After the experience, they will give you the detailed report.
Multiple aspects of your "contact" with the public will be thus observed, from the effect of your facilities on the prospects to your working methods, of the personal impression that their sellers produce to their effectiveness in dealing with customers. It is not just a method to observe your commercials but with it you intend to evaluate the whole of your commercial action.
Negotiate with the consultant the questions to be asked. Provide information about your organization and procedures. Establish dates of visit and reports. Facilitate the work. And when you receive the report, listen to them. As strong, hard and bitter as it may be. Think that if you are not going to pay attention to them, it is better that you do not order it.
It will depend on you afterwards to reorganize your sales force to improve the vision of the potential client ... or, maybe, change some "good" piece "that may have made the secret pollster some indecent proposition outside the agency.
You will easily find consultants who provide this kind of service, on the Net. Some of them I have already spoken to you in the notes of all these postcards. With any of the search terms: secret client, mysterious client, mistery shopper , you will find them.
And we've finished this series. You already know the resource. From that moment, you decide on the information received. May it go well!
Keep it up!
Miguel Villarroya Martín, April 29, 2016/Madrid. Spain/Vpi.018/
(1) The great image used is ClkerFreeVectorImages . And it was under the Public domain tag in Pixabay . We both appreciate your courtesy for the free use of the image.
(2) Among all the pages consulted there has been one that has offered me a gold information, given my cinephilia. In the pdf of the Spanish Quality Association (AEC) that I indicated, I found this: "You can say that this technique is not new, there are references to the mysterious client, for example, in the 1941 film The devil and Miss Jones, in which a mysterious buyer approaches a counter where Jean Arthur and Charles Coburn are and reveals his identity to tell the latter to stop chewing gum. "
In our country it was presented under the title of El Diablo Burlado. Although in this blog to which I refer, the video of the film has been deleted, it can be found, in these moments, in this direction.
(3) This postcard is a revision of the one written in nº 4 of my digital magazine: More and Better Real Estate Sales, October 2006 , of extension and scope less than the current wording.(On this postcard.)