According to the data of the General Council of Notaries, the sale of free housing made by foreigners in Spain reaches 20% of the total market of our country. This figure was already recorded during the first half of last year, with more than 43,000 transactions, which represents the largest number of operations registered in ...

20% of the sale of free housing in Spain is carried out by foreigners

20% of the sale of free housing in Spain is carried out by foreigners

According to the data of the General Council of Notaries, the sale of free housing made by foreigners in Spain reaches 20% of the total market of our country .

Already this figure was recorded during the first semester of last year, with more than 43,000 transactions, which represents the largest number of transactions registered in a semester since 2007, marking a new maximum in the historical series. p>

Despite Bréxit, the foreigners with more weight over the total of operations are still the British (21%), followed by the French (9%) and Germans (8%).

On the other hand, the price per square meter was between 1359 and 1850 euros, representing an increase with respect to previous periods and differentiating between resident and non-resident citizens s. The average is 1619 euros/metro2.

In general, the sale by foreigners has increased in the autonomous communities, producing the largest increases in Cantabria, Extremadura and Navarre.

The Autonomous Communities where the operations performed by foreigners had greater weight were: Canary Islands (45%), Illes Balears (41%) and Comunidad Valenciana (36%) and in those less: Extremadura (3%) ), Galicia (4%) and the Basque Country (5%).

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