Previously, we talked about Home Staging as a technique for optimizing housing for its presentation. In this article, we will focus on bedroom decoration through some guidelines, but let's start with a key question that is the basis of all of them: what should a bedroom transmit? The answer is very specific: comfort, ...

Bedrooms: 5 decoration tips

Bedrooms: 5 decoration tips

We have previously talked about Home Staging as a home optimization technique for its presentation.

In this article, we will focus on the decoration of bedrooms to through some guidelines, but let's start with a key question that is the basis of all of them: what should a bedroom transmit? The answer is very specific: comfort, comfort and a relaxing and welcoming atmosphere.

That said, let's see some tips to prepare for this stay:

1 Order

Creating an orderly space is essential, many decorators even bet on a minimalist style.

Bedrooms: 5 decoration tips

To create order, one of the main recommendations is to get rid of unnecessary furniture, because too much furniture can reduce much space to stay.

Likewise, the placement of these also influences when creating amplitude. Each piece of furniture must be in the most optimal place.

2 Colors

Colors play a very important role and from them you can get different effects: For example, white gives a feeling of spaciousness, cleanliness and brightness.

Bedrooms: 5 decoration tips

We do not have to limit ourselves to the target, but it is true that light or neutral colors relieve a lot and tend to be a better option than dark or strident ones . Another alternative is the use of papers in the walls of old style, since, according to some decorators, they bring a pleasant sensation of warmth.

On the other hand, we also have to pay attention to the colors of the fabrics (in beds, curtain, cushions ...). Textiles in soft colors or patterns or small patterns, whether pictures, stripes or flowers, tend to reassure.

Choose what you choose, it is important that the colors in the different elements create a visual sensation harmonious.

3 Bed with a comfortable look

As the bed is the protagonist element of a bedroom, it is essential to have a good appearance, especially bulky, and one of the best ways to get it is to dress it with Nordic fillings. In this way, the rectitude of the mattress will be blurred.

Bedrooms: 5 decoration tips

other elements must be taken into account: As for the sheets, it is best to be adjustable, to achieve optimal placement. You have to avoid seeing the legs of the mattress or the couch (the pieces that are short, shine) and the use of headboard can provide another comfort point.

As for the fabrics, it is recommended that choose natural fabrics for bedding, such as linen and cotton, to provide naturalness.

4 Pillows and cushions

It is advisable to place two pillows per person in bed, place them one on top of the other and rest the cushions on them. In addition, with them you can play at the time of decorating, because according to their placement can create one aspect or another. For example, in order to achieve a classic look, they should be placed symmetrically, while for a more natural or informal one, they can be placed in disorder (of course, with some control). On the other hand, there is the number of cushions.A mirror of a good size, besides being useful, will give an important feeling of space to the room.

Bedrooms: 5 decoration tips

Some decorators choose to print a thematic touch to the bedroom. For example, giving a vintage style brings elegance or decorating the bedroom according to the location of the house, using customized decoration items, can be another hit.

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