Beware of accidentally placing confidential information of the agency! You always have to maintain some levels of privacy. Keep in mind that the networks of companies must be public in order to have greater diffusion, so we must be very careful with the information we provide. Also, networks offer privacy options ...

Social networks for real estate: Security

Social security real estate networks.

Beware of accidentally placing confidential information of the agency! You always have to maintain some levels of privacy. Keep in mind that the networks of companies should be public to have greater diffusion, so we must be very careful with the information we provide.

Likewise, the Networks offer privacy options so that only a limited audience can see the contents. But these limitations may be more interesting in a personal profile than in an agency.

We recommend:

  • Set the levels of Privacy: To control what followers see.
  • Control your contact list. Do not accept as a follower to everyone, classify them, avoid "rare companies" or "trolls"
  • Prudence with content: Avoid personal data, pictures of children or unauthorized.
  • Beware of third-party applications that share your information, they can post content on non-recommendable sites.
A-Z Guide to hire your Reformation in 2018

This is a complete guide prepared by Reformas CRP addressed to owners in which these points are addressed: How to decide the type of reform you need How to know if a house has potential (before buying it) How to manage the budget Ways to save while maintaining quality How to improve the distribution Pros and cons of ......

Real estate news. title =

July 17, 2018. Investing in real estate is increasingly in demand, not only do individuals, but companies are in full search for housing, since investment in them is highly profitable. Eight out of ten Spaniards are homeowners, so the big investors are looking for alternatives to ......

The Community of Madrid has announced important tax reductions

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Consumer inspections, more and more

The consumption delegations of all the communities, are doing more and more inspection tasks to detect the breach in the matter of consumption in the sales and leases in which the real estate agencies intervene, with high fines. Remember that inspectors can pass themselves off as clients without first identifying themselves. All …...