A good organization is the key to success. Creating only social profiles is not enough for a Social Media plan. In order for our effort in social networks to be fruitful, we must organize our work based on the objectives we seek and from that we will decide with which social networks to work and what ...

Social networks for real estate: Organization of work

Social networks for real estate: Organization of work

A good organization is the key to success . Creating only social profiles is not enough for a Social Media plan.

For our effort in social networks to be fruitful, we must organize our work based on the objectives we seek and from there we will decide with what social networks to work and what contents to publish.

For an adequate organization of the work, the following steps should be carried out:

First step: What are our goals?

  • More visits on the web: Through social networks or our blog (if we have) we can generate more visits to the page by inserting links of the same in the publications, the profiles, etc.
  • Consolidate Brand and attraction clients: We will promote news of a professional and corporate nature (fairs , legislative notes, trends ..), we will take care of the user, with greater dynamism and parti cipación.
  • Exhibition of products and services: Facebook with real estate engine, periodic publication of real estate and services.
  • Position as opinion leader: Use of Blogs, own contents of quality, participation in professional groups, periodic updates.

Second step: In what social networks participate?

With limited resources, it is not possible to be on all networks in a professional manner, as it requires a great effort of time and planning .

Each social network has a different type of public , different utilities , different content needs and a specific immediacy . It is not the same no need for immediacy and content of Facebook or Twitter, that of LinkedIn or Instagram.

The target audience, the goal we seek, the resources we have, we will determine what social network we will boost.

The main social networks:

  • LinkedIn: Simple to manage, consolidates our brand, allows contacts professionals.
  • Facebook: Where most people and brands are, it will require an effort in useful and periodic content.
  • Twitter: It is the most active, requires more content and dedication.
  • YouTube: Video channel, large display of real estate and promotional videos, you have to generate videos weekly.
  • Instagram: It offers a purely visual image, it can help us to offer a different face of the real estate agency, we have to take great care of the images and It is difficult to capture clients or transmit ideas or projects.

Third step: Define content

The contents will be created based on the objectives and social networks that we participate, always must be of quality, interesting and innovative and its frequency will be determined by the social network, our resources and time.

The contents of a real estate agency basically will be of three types: real estate, own and foreign, that we must intersperse, to create an attractive content. In short, evaluate, correct and enhance.

Step 6: Define a Routine.

You have to dedicate a time of work defined in an orderly manner, to forget forgetfulness and outdatedness so frequent in networks, which damage our image. For example, look at the networks twice a day and insert at least one content.

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