Like any other marketing action, Social Networks must be measured, using reliable indicators, to see if the effort invested is profitable or not, that is, to know the ROI. What do we monitor? On the one hand, our own profiles of social networks and actions carried out, numbers of followers, evolution of the same. And on the other discover ...

Social networks for real estate: Measurement of networks

Social networks for real estate: Measurement of networks

Like any other marketing action, Social Networks must measure , using reliable indicators, to see if the effort invested is profitable or not, that is, to know the ROI.

What do we monitor?

On the one hand our own social media profiles and actions taken, numbers of followers, evolution of the same. And on the other hand, discover what s e say and think in other network profiles of our company, our services and also about direct competition.

Contingency plan

You have to be prepared for everything, and that includes the negative comments of our brand, for whatever reason. You have to have a contingency plan, to know how to react in time to this type of situation, simulating probable problematic situations and the procedures to perform.

Tools for the analysis of Social Networks

On the internet we will find dozens of options both for payment and free, depending on the level of information that is required.

The main tools we use They are:

1. Insertion Contents:

  • Hootsuite: It is one of the best free tools and covers the main networks. It has good weekly analysis and workflow control.

Social networks for real estate: Measurement of networks

2. Conversation Tracking:

  • SamePoint: Search conversations on a particular topic or word.
  • Omgili: Search consumer conversations in social environments.

3. "Noise" on the Internet (Buzz):

  • SocialMention: Allows you to see searches in real time on the networks and tells us the most popular and trends .
  • HowSociable: Learn about brand/company visibility on the Internet.
  • Addoctomatic: Analyze brand conversations in the networks.
  • WhosTalkin: Discover what they say about the brand or products on social channels.
  • SocialMeter: Study the importance of a social media website.

4. Web Traffic:

  • GoogleAnalytics: Free web traffic monitoring tool.

5. Multimedia:

  • Google Advance vines: Locate videos related to the brand and/or product.

As we can see Thanks to these tools, we can obtain different types of results in terms of the work we are doing in the networks and the main trends to focus our efforts on improving some points of our strategy.

Types of rental contracts by duration

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Vacation rental, tourist rental.

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Social networks for real estate followers

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