The bank has rejected 60% of the claims it has received in terms of land clauses in the first quarter of this year, affecting almost half a million claimants (around 463,000 customers with more than 2,000 million). Although the bank has insisted that many of the claims do not ...

More than half of the claims of those affected by the floor clauses are rejected in the first quarter

Real estate news, Claims rejected mortgages clauses on land.

The bank has rejected 60% of the claims it has received in terms of land clauses in the first quarter of this year, being affected almost half a million claimants (around 463,000 clients with more than 2,000 million).

Although the bank has insisted that many of the claims were not forthcoming, the president of the consumer association Adicae has declared that " have sent more than half a million families to fry asparagus, because they have been willing. "


At the end of the first quarter, the bank had received 1,136.6232 refund requests for floor clauses of which:

  • 024 were not admitted
  • 896 were rejected
  • More than 10,800 were abandoned by the client.

Of the accepted claims (more than half a million):

  • It has been come to a solution at 463. 236 occasions That is, more than 406,940 families recovered the cash.
  • 156 claims are pending response.
  • 172 have closed without agreement.

Adicae has requested " an urgent radical correction " of the extrajudicial claim procedure " for its resounding failure ".

Source of the news : VozPopuli

However, according to, The number of cases resolved by the Courts of abusive clauses increased by 60.5% in the first quarter of the year compared to the last of 2017. The increase in the number of cases resolved also coincides with the decrease in the number of cases entered.

Read press release.

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