This is a complete guide prepared by Reformas CRP addressed to owners in which these points are addressed: How to decide the type of reform you need How to know if a house has potential (before buying it) How to manage the budget Ways to save while maintaining quality How to improve the distribution Pros and cons of ...

A-Z Guide to hire your Reformation in 2018

A-Z Guide to hire your Reformation in 2018

This is a complete guide elaborated by CRP Reforms addressed to owners in which these points are treated:

  • How to decide the type of reform you need
  • How to know if a home has potential (before buying)
  • How to manage the budget
  • Ways to save while maintaining quality
  • How to improve distribution
  • Pros and cons of open spaces
  • House insulation

If you want to reform your home you are about to embark on a road full of uncertainties. It's a very nice process, since you can reform an entire floor to your liking . But do not renovate housing every day, right?

The reality is that, as an owner, you are not an expert in works and reforms. You will depend on how professional the person or construction company you are. From design to finishing.

But that does not mean you can not control. You can consult the guide elaborated by said company of integral reforms in Bilbao in the following link:

AZ Guide to hire your Reform (in 2018) with whoever you want

Inbound marketing The aspects involved

An approach to the inbound MK (INBMK) requires knowing the aspects involved in this activity, which, at least, will be these: a) Know the different types of marketing used in each of the areas mentioned above. (1) b) Understand what some have called the client's trip. c) Know the application and performance ......

Finally came the essential regulation of the real estate sector for better consumer protection

The regulation of the real estate sector was a pending issue for more than a decade and the Official College of Real Estate Agents has been working since then to make this a reality, for the benefit of Andalusian consumers. It has already been commented on multiple occasions that "The biggest investment that a ......

Real estate news. Motivations for housing change.

17.4% of Spaniards seek, rent or buy a new home to become independent of the family home. Almost half of searches for a home occur in parallel with family changes: with the birth of new children, after death, divorce or the independence of the youngest. Madrid, July 30 ......

The price of urban land increases 7.8% year-on-year in the 3Q of 2017

As shown by the Land Price Statistics of the Ministry of Development, the average price per square meter of urban land rose by 7.8% year-on-year in the third quarter of this year (to € 162) but experienced a decrease of 2.6% with respect to the previous quarter. On the other hand, …...