For the fourth consecutive year positive values ​​were obtained in billing, creation of banners and employment July 31, 2018 - The real estate sector is in constant growth since the crisis began to disappear. The incomes go up, the stock is low, and every time there are more brands that decide to franchise their business, ...

The real estate sector in franchise exceeds 300 million in turnover

Real estate news, franchising billing

For the fourth consecutive year, positive values ​​are obtained in billing, creation of banners and employment

July 31, 2018 - The real estate sector is in constant growth since the crisis began to disappear. Revenues rise, the stock is low, and more and more are the brands that decide to franchise their business, and even more the franchises that expand in Spain, according to data from T4 Franchises

The franchise model it grows without stopping, in all its senses. The turnover, creation of jobs and increase of brands are some of the indicators that are on the rise in the real estate sector for the fourth consecutive year. 2017 has been the year of consolidation of this sector obtaining a turnover of over 300 million euros.

" We are at a key moment, where new real estate signs do not stop appearing . Franchises, on the other hand, grow at a higher rate than their own establishments. Therefore, we consider a good opportunity for entrepreneurs to decide to start in this business model ", says José Aragonés, Managing Partner of T4 Franchises .

Operating approximately 40 You teach the real estate sector with about 2,000 franchisees, which ends up generating about 5,000 jobs. Oi Realtor teaches that started in 2016 in franchise has a network of 9 branches and has just signed a multi-franchise for the Canary Islands expected to end the year near 20.

Data within this sector have tripled in In recent years, proof of this is the economic rebound that is happening. Every time the real estate agencies are more sought after by the future tenants, who live in full skin the low stock of homes that is taking place in Spain, proof of this is the growth in franchising that can be seen in the Remax, Alfa Inmobiliaria, DonPiso brands and

" The opportunity to invest in a model that already has proven its trajectory is a faster way to get rid of the uncertainty of what will happen with a new company. You can franchise your business and expand it to full capacity throughout the peninsula, or you can simply invest in a franchise that can show you how your successful business model works "says Miguel Ángel Oroquieta, Managing Partner of T4 Franchises , who adds, " investing in the real estate sector is a safe bet at this time, it is a sector that is on the rise since the last years and the forecast for this 2018 is very positive, during the last exercise grew by 3% the number of brands in the sector ".

Author article: Oi Realtor.

Source of the image.

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